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Фото автораNataliia Biliaieva

Present perfect /present perfect continuous / past simple /(B1-B2)

Оновлено: 11 бер. 2023 р.

The present perfect continuous is formed using

has/have + been + V + ing

I have been doing.

I have been reading.

She has been reading.

He has been finishing.

The present perfect is formed using has/have + V3

I have done.

I have read.

She has read.

He has finished.


Present Perfect Continuous Use

Duration from the past until now

We use the present perfect continuous to show that something started in the past and has continued until now (and will probably continue longer).

For ten minutes, for ten weeks, since Monday are all durations which can be used with the present perfect continuous.

  • They have been talking for two hours.

  • He has been working at this company for ten years.

  • Peter has been teaching at the university since May.

  • What have they been doing for the last 45 minutes?

  • You have just arrived to meet a friend who is waiting for you. You ask: Have you been waiting long?

  • A friend of yours is now working in a shop. You want to know how long. You ask: How long have you been working there? / How long have you worked there?

Recently, lately / Focusing on activity not on result

You can also use the present perfect continuous without a duration such as "for two weeks", "for ten days". We often use the words lately or recently to emphasize the meaning of duration.

  • Recently, I have been feeling really tired.

  • Peter has been watching too much television lately.

  • Have you been working lately?

  • Peter has been feeling a little depressed.

  • What has he been doing?

Present perfect continuous can emphasise that a situation is temporary

Present perfect continuous is used for an activity that has recently stopped.

In these situations there are connection with now. We use present perfect continuous to explain the cause of the present situation.

You're very tired. Have you been working very hard. (= you're tired now)

Why is your face so dirty? What have you been doing?


Present Perfect Use

Focusing on result

When we use the present perfect, there is a connection with now. The action in the past has a result now.

‘Where's your umbrella?' 'I don't know. I've lost it.' (= I don't have it now)

Peter told me her name, but I've forgotten it. (= I can't remember it now)


Present perfect vs Past simple

Past simple

Present perfect

I did something amazing yesterday.

I've done something amazing.

I did something amazing on Monday.

I've just done something amazing.

I did something amazing last week.

I've done something amazing recently.

I did something amazing in 2022.

I've done something amazing today.

I did something amazing in May.

I did something amazing yesterday.

I did something amazing ten minutes ago.

I have never done anything amazing.

I did something amazing when I was a child.

When did you do something amazing?

Have you ever done something amazing?

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